Importance of self-regulation of the learner in the pedagogical design in primary school

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Eliana Elizabeth Balanta Varona
Diego Fernando Bacca Solarte
Mayra Marcela Calderón Ramírez
Yudi Cárdenas Rodríguez
Elquin Eduar Mejía Loaiza


This article focuses on a research project that analyzes the relationship between teachers' pedagogical design, the implementation of self-regulated learning, and the impact on the academic performance of basic education students; for this, a qualitative study was carried out with an exploratory and descriptive scope, and a type of phenomenological and hermeneutic-interpretive approach. It was carried out in 14 educational institutions of the country located in different regions and in urban and rural contexts, where it was possible to inquire about the perception and importance of pedagogical planning for teachers; how it is developed to promote learning habits in students and how these actions are aligned with self-regulation, this being crucial for adequate motivation and academic performance in students.

The results of this research made it possible to highlight the importance of web 2.0 digital technologies, arts and games as resources for mediation in teaching-learning. The teachers interviewed highlighted that these resources are essential for students' experiential, pleasant, and successful learning, and their integration into the pedagogical design is key to captivating and empowering them in their own learning.

It is concluded that understanding how pedagogical designs can be built to promote self-regulation of learning in students is crucial to improve their academic performance and promote their comprehensive training. In addition, the importance of teachers being aware of the influence that their designs and pedagogical practices have on the formation of self-regulated learning habits is highlighted, and that they promote the participation of families in this process; for this, it is essential to break with the social and educational gaps, thus allowing the application of innovative and participatory methodologies.


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