Gamification, a didactic strategy to improve inferential reading in an educational institution in Casanare Colombia

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Alexander Montes Miranda
Dannis Shirley Barrios Valderrama
Mercedes Parra Palacios


This article shows the results of a research carried out with the objective of strengthening the level of inferential reading that students have using gamification in an educational institution of the municipality of Orocué. For this, the mixed methodological approach was carried out with the design-based model, where 25 sixth grade students from said institution participated. From a statistical analysis with the parametric T STUDENT test, it was possible to show significant differences between the means of the initial and final inferential reading comprehension test, which was done after the implementation of the gamified proposal with a positive balance in the student responses, which reflects its important value in learning processes as it energizes pedagogical practices and educational environments for teaching reading.


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