El juego como mediación pedagógica para la transformación del pensar.

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Édgar Ernesto Martinez
Taty Ruiz Ruiz
Clara Patricia García


The present research was based on the construction of a didactic sequence based on the game, which managed to be a pedagogical mediation to transform the thinking and interaction of students with special educational needs and the educational community that surrounds it. This proposal was implemented in the fifth grade of the Rural Departmental Institution El Salitre headquarters el Hato, to achieve this transformation of thinking was carried out: a) identification of students' conceptions in relation to inclusion processes b) construction and implementation of a transversal didactic sequence through play. c) determine the change in students' conceptions in relation to the transformation of thinking about inclusion processes.


The objectives proposed in the research were developed under a qualitative investigation of the participation action research type, using instruments such as the structured interview with the head teacher, the students and parents, the observation and the implementation of didactic sequences to the students. fifth grade of the IERD el Salitre headquarters el Hato. Determining in this way the conceptions of the students in relation to the inclusion processes and how the game can transform them.


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