Culturally diverse leaders and organizations, a challenge for the present century

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Marta Gisela Durán Gamba


The organizations of the 21st century operate in a dynamic and unstable environment, characterized by improvisation and little routine, this implies agility and versatility in their ways of working, promoting innovation, privileging the hiring of experts and diverse work teams. Its success depends on competent leaders to interact and coordinate teams effectively (Weick, 2000). This article proposes critical reflection and analysis using consultation in primary sources, to identify the skills of leaders working in culturally diverse organizations. Leaders' behaviors influence change management through skill sets allowing them to function effectively in a diverse work setting, lead teams of people and promote distinctive capabilities with proven competitive advantages (Ramall, 2004). Finally, culturally diverse organizations represent an opportunity and at the same time a limitation, as they do not have competent leaders to manage their teams (Heames & Harvey,2006).


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