The university social projection at the service of regional development: "hands to work one minute"

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Jheysson Fernando Montaño Santana
Constanza Dorey García Puentes


This document presents the actions carried out in the project of social projection "Hands on UNIMINUTO", led by the Civil Engineering Program of the Minuto de Dios University Corporation - Zipaquirá Regional Center, which aims to provide support and advice technical to the communities of the region of influence of the regional center in the development of civil works of social priority. Which was executed under the human-centered design methodology and taking into account the objectives of sustainable development (specifically Objective 1, 6, 9 and 11), for this it was started from the relationship and agreement with ASOJUNTAS of the Municipality of Pacho Cundinamarca and the active participation of professors and students of the Program. The case presented focused on the development of constructive designs and technical advice for rural social housing projects and community rooms, seeking to improve living conditions and social cohesion in the Municipality.


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