Advance strategies in university environmental sustainability: the case of the University of Córdoba el caso de la Universidad de Córdoba

Main Article Content

Antonio Gomera
Ana De Toro
Jose Emilio Aguilar
Clara Guijarro
Miguel Antúñez


Universities, aware of the environmental impact derived from their activity, and aware of their responsibility in transmitting and extending knowledge and values for sustainability, are in a process of progressive incorporation of environmental sustainability into their policies, structures and lines of action. This requires the design of processes that facilitate a comprehensive planning of environmental action. In addition, it is also essential to act individually on the way in which you work on a daily basis, in order to contribute individually to the environmental improvement of the institution. The aim of this work is to present the experience of the University of Córdoba (Spain), in the promotion of strategies in both areas: the I Environmental Sustainability Plan (2019-2022) and the Trébol Program of good environmental practices.

Author Biographies

Ana De Toro, Universidad de Cordoba

Servicio de Protección Ambiental (SEPA)

Jose Emilio Aguilar, Universidad de Cordoba

Servicio de Protección Ambiental (SEPA)

Clara Guijarro, Universidad de Cordoba

Servicio de Protección Ambiental (SEPA)

Miguel Antúñez, Universidad de Cordoba

Aula de Sostenibilidad


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