The Integral training of middle basic students through innovation from art and emotional intelligence

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Maria Geoconda Tigrero Hernández


When considering the formation of a student in elementary school education, we immediately think of the integral formation that the Teacher must have, “the formator of the new generations”, thinking that he is not only the great scholar in the secular or purely scientific knowledge, but also the owner of the great knowledge of life itself, that which involves its emotional balance called by the great scholars of human behavior, such as homeostasis or the emotional  balance that occurs as a result of self-control and the ability to discover, develop or strengthen emotional intelligence. There are very varied resources from the visual that allow a regulation of emotions and at the same time facilitate the learning process that goes through attention, memory and retention. The  ifferent learning scenarios suggest us the objective of this study launched and that is based on the acquisition of significant learning through art that promote a regulation of our emotions.


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