Psychosocial Risk Factors in UNIMINUTO Teachers Psychosocial Risk

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Natalia Castillo Gallego
y Paola López Quintero
Laura Yulieth Velásquez Ballen
Leidy Alexandra Dimate Romero
Jenny Barbosa Becerra


The objective of the research was to identify the psychosocial risk factors that affect teachers of the traditional distance modality of the Universidad Minuto de Dios Ceres La Vega (Cundinamarca), which is why it moves around the concept of psychosocial risk established by the Ministry of Protection Social as “psychosocial conditions whose identification and evaluation shows negative effects on the health of workers or at work” (2005. p. 2).

The results of this process suggest that teachers address in their work various sources of problem, understood as a problem the situations required to project affective actions of work, personal and family performance, some of them correspond to the pace and insecurity at work, Since, although the training professional is the dynamizers of the teaching-learning process, they maintain a semi-annual contract.

Therefore, the results found in the research allow us to propose some institutional recommendations whose implementation can contribute to the minimization of risk perception by teachers.


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