The imprescriptibility of the Aztra massacre, crime against humanity

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Julio César Gárate Amoroso
Melanie Dayana Vásquez Camacho
Martha Narcisa Villagómez Martínez


This paper seeks to clarify whether the horrendous crime that was committed on 18 October 1977, at which time the de facto Government existed, would be catalogued crime against humanity. Crime that was executed in frank and frontal violation of all norms and constitutional principles, violating the right to life of many workers; for this we have used 

the data and entering views of certain characters consalown survivors, the criterion of traffickers and the scarce data or judicial acts that somehow allow us to know the true extent and serious social, legal and caused by Troncal, at the national level. The State as such, with all its punitive power at the time remained unmoved by the national, international recmity; the constitutional legal framework and international human rights law are highlighted, identifying this crime against humanity and therefore imprescriptible, All of the above tries to put into the debate the need to exercise constitutional actions in human rights matters at the level international crime so that this crime is not left to impunity.


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