Researching and contributing free knowledge for education

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Edwin Reinel Perdomo Sedano
José Iván Hernández Pava


The purpose of this article is to present the research called "free software for education", which aims to promote and implement the use of open source software in education and / or educational institutions. Since, with the birth of ICTs, it was necessary to create computer tools to be able to use them efficiently. In the 60's, it was the closed-source programming companies (proprietary software) that offered the options in the computer world; that's when open source was born, also known as free software. The need and the opportunity of the implementation of a free software in an entity of educational-formative character, such as university, school, etc., was observed. so the respective idea was raised. They consulted, researched and tested different software in this category, to later identify the most viable for that purpose. In the free educational software category, different useful tools were found in different areas, but due to the current specific need, the selected software was the Assistant for School Libraries (Abies 2.0), being this a librarian assistant, offering multiple services and aids in the administrative management of said place, especially those of basic primary and secondary. The expected results of the implementation of the product of this research is the improvement of the management and processes carried out by the aforementioned software, since it improves the performance and effectiveness of academic library management in its different aspects. In addition to helping reduce the cost for the acquisition, licensing, maintenance, among others. From a similar type of license, money which the school can use for other practical purposes; In addition to the advantage that the code can be modified according to its convenience and purpose.


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