Description of the intelligence profile in deaf children of la esperanza school
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Even though in Colombia there is not enough educational support for deaf people, there have been
several attempts to find a way to make education equal and equitable for the deaf, as this interferes with
the intelligence of this population by not giving them the same education that hearing students receive.
As a result, we aim to know and describe the intelligence profile of deaf children between the ages of four
and ten enrolled in La Esperanza School for the Deaf in Villavicencio, Meta. This research has a quantitative
approach that allows the collection of non-experimental and cross-sectional data; it is a descriptive
study that seeks to specify the profiles and characteristics of the individuals. It is possible to carry out this
research because Raven’s Progressive Matrices test is used to measure one of the components of the “g”
factor, the capacity of relationship education, that is, supposing a continuation proposed by Spearman,
which is the basis of psychological constructs. This test enables the measurement of intellectual capacity
in educational settings taking into account population under twelve years of age with language and
hearing difficulties, which is pertinent considering that those are the characteristics of the population
of this investigation. Fifteen children were assessed with Raven’s test, specifically the CPM scale, and the
data was analyzed by means of the SPSS program
second-generation deaf children with cochlear implants. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 1–10.
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