The importance of school environment in educational institutions

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Lelio Carantón Castro


The big question that all teachers, coordinators, principals, and the administrative staff in every educational institution ask themselves is, “How is the school environment in your school?” This topic is currently a source of concern for this pedagogical work team, which always meets to analyze their progress, processes, strategies and decisions that have not caused the expected response and the negative situations that generally occur in the school environment, trying to identify where this situation comes from, what produces it, and why it can be a never-ending constant in many cases. When it comes to the academic aspect, we use all possible strategies, but when it comes to discipline, we turn to other areas that contribute to this process, such as psychology, social work, etc. Often, however, the conducts or behaviors that we want to change in our students are not the ones we expect, or are not very easy to modify and solve, even with the support of this human talent. As such, this is a situation that is fundamental to analyze, by identifying how it influences the school environment.


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