La influencia de las Tic en el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes a distancia. estado del arte

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Semillero de investigación: Infantes por


Abstract “Infants for their rights “, as a seedbed of researchers in the province of Tequendama, aims to develop a research process, focused on the consolidation of strategies, to improve the use of ICT in the learning processes of online students from the Corporación Educativa Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO from La Mesa (Cundinamarca). First of all, a diagnosis was made, establishing the guidelines for the continuity of the research proposal, by identifying the different problems in terms of the appropriate management of technology and the technical tools to which students have access to the search, analysis and information processing, in different learning environments. Secondly, it was pertinent to build a state of the art that establishes the different contributions of the consulted texts, allowing the advance of research.

In this way, theoretical conceptions (from the heuristic and hermeneutic) were taken into account for the methodological development (planning and construction) of the present state of art. This is how, it was possible to carry out the study of nine sources that approach the topic to be treated. In this way, it was taken into account: authors, place, objectives, methodology used and conclusions, to specify the most significant contributions. These can be consolidated in the need that the learner learns to build their own learning environments, achieve the proper use of social networks in terms of learning, and improve knowledge about the use of mobile technology and the constant evaluation process of computer resources used by students. Therefore, it is imperative to establish to what extent the student at a distance, is really prepared to accomplish the requirements (technical-disposition of time-use of software) to learn under this modality.


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