Marco económico de las unidades productivas de la región del Guavio ¿cómo aportar al desarrollo verde desde el perfil del administrador de empresas?

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Diego Fernando Galvis Ruíz
Adriana Paola Rodríguez Riaño


The present article aims to expose and characterize the perception of the Bioeconomy and green businesses in the Guavio region whose municipalities belong to the jurisdiction of CORPOGUAVIO. Besides, it plans support processes focused on the development and execution of sustainable projects in the productive units of the primary sector, and the contribution of the profile of the business manager in the framework of the economic development of rural populations in the regions.
Green businesses in the Guavio region are considered determinant in regional development, and it is a public policy that has reached the agricultural business units of the municipalities that make up the jurisdiction of CORPOGUAVIO. This is how the actors present in the region at the academic state and business levels have joined forces to change traditional production models that allow the transfer of knowledge and appropriation of the new production trends in order to improve the competitive and productive conditions of business units mentioned before. For this purpose, the business manager who knows and is trained in the regions intervenes in a fundamental way in the development of processes and projects that promote the green economy and sustainability.


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