La sensibilización ambiental: un cambio de vida en pro del cuidado del medio ambiente

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Laura Marcela Rodríguez Romero
Leida Yamile Velásquez Camacho


The present article analyzes the situation of the environmental sensitization process at the General Santander Headquarters of the Departmental Educational Institution of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, located in the municipality of Lenguazaque. The document has as a starting point where the personal and collective recognition of the student related to his relationship with the environment, through processes of awareness, reflection and transformation, thus seeking a change of attitudes towards the natural context. The research was documentary-propositive, with a qualitative methodology from a socio-critical approach. Giving as a result, the importance of teachers as guides in the formation of attitudes and behaviors of care, protection and conservation of the environment, where the process of environmental awareness is the starting point and reflection, providing guidelines for the formulation of strategies that seek to counter the negative effects of human beings on the environment. Proposing as a training and awareness-raising strategy, the integral use of the story combined with the game, being a dynamic, creative and playful tool. However, it was observed that the sensitization process is sometimes limited by the theoretical conceptualization problems that arise in the educational community.


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