Pedagogía en contexto: aula móvil

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Mary Luz Acero


Aula Móvil is set up as an itinerant learning scenario that runs through six communes and two corregimientos in the municipality of Soacha, where the theoretical foundation, pedagogical practices and research strategies come together. In this sense, the project gives clues to consider in the organization of practices, in order to stimulate the professional development of the future teacher, promoting spaces of social projection and establishing scenarios of pedagogical research. Aula Móvil is assumed as a space that provides complementary education to girls and boys in the municipality. Some of the strategies are recreational-pedagogical activities aimed at the development of the human being dimensions -ethical, corporal, communicative, aesthetic, spiritual, socio-affective and cognitive- that allows the development of critical-creative thinking with resources and didactics of children’s pedagogy.

In the first stage of the Aula móvil has been done an exercise of recognition of the problems in different communes, which serves as the basis for designing and building up of pedagogical projects and proposes research ideas that will materialize in research projects as an option for graduating. This diagnosis shows that in the municipality of Soacha there is a lack of attention to early childhood due to political, economic, social and cultural affectations. It is suggested, that this phenomenon should be examined from a reconstruction of historical memory with the aim of demonstrating the actions that have been developed from the academy for social improvement and peace building. Therefore, the following question is posed for the second stage of the project: What is the impact of the pedagogical practices developed by the students of the UNIMINUTO Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education in the population of children aged 0 to 7 belonging to the Municipality of Soacha and linked to the strategy “Aula móvil “?


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