Disertación sobre autismo y asperger en Facatativá
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This article aims to look at the autism and Asperger syndromes, in order to raise awareness about them in different fields. This research project intends to establish a precedent towards the need of knowing both syndromes and offering better conditions to institutions and staff members who care for people with either autism or Asperger among the educational authorities. Therefore, this paper explains what the autism and Asperger syndromes are. It also shows the management of these disorders in Facatativá through research experiences, specifically within the educational system.
The research team continues in processes of document growth and planning to generate informative spaces for teachers, families, entities and professionals. This being carried out through the socialization of knowledge, to enrich the research and at the same time contribute to eradicate errors in the management of autists and Asperger in the municipality.
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