‘Perspectivas’ is an open access publication, published quarterly by ‘La Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO’, Rectoría Cundinamarca (Colombia). This Journal aims at contributing -through research training and interdisciplinarity- to the generation, dissemination and application of knowledge that contributes to the technological, scientific and social development of the country with regional, national and international projection. This is due to the commitment assumed by UNIMINUTO, Cundinamarca Office, with the construction of an academic research community for the generation of knowledge, thus promoting, based on sustainable human and social development, the generation of research, social projection and teaching.

‘Perspectivas’ receives research Papers, reflection, review, short paper or case report, as original research results in Spanish and English that cover a variety of topics related to Regional Development. All the material submitted to the Journal for publication and accepted by the Editorial Committee in view of its quality and relevance is submitted to arbitration by specialist peers in the respective fields of knowledge. The Journal publishes the first 5 days of the months of January, April, July and October and is aimed at research professors, undergraduate and master's or doctoral students and national or international social managers.