Challenging Student Understanding: Smart Strategies for Creating Unique Multiple Choice Questions

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firmanilah kamil


Carefully designed multiple choice questions have the potential to fool students and expose weaknesses in understanding soil mechanics concepts.  There is a tendency that students not only choose similar but incorrect formulas, but also very often make mistakes in calculations, even though the chosen formula is correct. The purpose of this research is to create a unique multiple-choice question and find out the level of difficulty of the question, the differentiating power of the question, descriptive statistics, validity, reliability, and item response. In addition, it is also to find out the suitability between the tendency of choosing answers on multiple choice questions and predictions in making questions. This research is in the form of development research. Multiple choice test questions in Soil Mechanics 1 course are made by predicting the answers that students might choose. Of the 12 questions, there are 4 questions with low difficulty, 5 medium questions, and 3 high questions. Of the 12 questions, there are 2 questions with poor differentiation, 7 questions are sufficient, 2 questions are good, and 1 question is very good. Furthermore, from the results of descriptive statistics, the average is 52.92; median 58.33; minimum value 8.33; maximum value 83.33 with a total data of 57. From the validity test, there are 2 questions that are not valid, but the reliability value is high with a value of 0.63. In addition, there is conformity between the tendency of choosing answers on multiple choice questions and predictions in making questions.


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