Cases of women entrepreneurs in Ecuador

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María Eulalia Chávez Rivera
Carmen Amelia Coral Guerrero
María Elena Pulgar Salazar


The article presented is one of the results of a research whose objective is to determine the main benefits, challenges and obstacles of women's entrepreneurship, within the framework of Good Living (Sumak kawsay) in Ecuador, especially considering vulnerable groups, in this
case of groups of women from the Ecuadorian Amazon, in contrast to the changes in government policies established in the Constitution of Ecuador in force since 2008, which is complemented by the National Development Plans called for Good Living. The research analyzes the scope of women in the field of entrepreneurship in our country and analyzes the most important challenges and obstacles, as well as the benefits of women entrepreneurs in the framework of Good Living. For this study we used the methodology of qualitative exploratory research by taking a sample of two companies led by entrepreneurs, through the use of several instruments were determined the main contributions of women in their community where improvements are observed in their developing.



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