Analysis of factors that affect the competitiveness of the solidarity organizations of the municipality of San Juan de Rioseco

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Luz Esmeralda Clavijo Rincón
Angie Tatiana Ayala Quiroga
Sandra Katherine Cruz Molina
Jesica Ximena Moreno López


The economy of the municipality of San Juan de Rioseco, from the Magdalena Centro province, is based on
small-scale agricultural activities, which is the second most contributing industry to the municipality’s GDP.
Management of agricultural activities focuses on associative processes that seek to improve the conditions
of small associated producers; however, the municipality has low competitiveness indicators compared to
other municipalities in the department. Based on this, this research study is conducted with the purpose of
analyzing the dynamics of the solidarity organizations present in the municipality, using as basis the general
characterization elements of the organizations, their organizational structure, and strategic alliances.

The research methodology established was participatory rural diagnosis by means of interpretive
methods and mixed tools in three establishes phases, using as sample four of the thirteen associations
currently incorporated in the territory.

As main results of the research process, the social cartographpy of solidary organizations was generated,
where seventeen organizations established in the municipality were identified. The second result was the
identification of the organizational and administrative characteristics and their influence on the management
and compliance with the organizational and productive goals of the organizations. The third
result is the analysis of networks and of the inter-organizational articulation in San Juan and its influence
on the processes of competitiveness and management of associations


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