Proposal for the development of constructive processes with the inclusion of biomaterials in priority housing in the municipality of Girardot, Cundinamarca

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Jhon Jairo Reinel Moreno


The municipality of Girardot has a number of political, administrative, environmental, climatic, economic, social, infrastructure and development difficulties that keep it from being at the forefront of the current conditions of growth and modernity of the territory. Therefore, multiple factors affect the compliance with the legal, technical and social framework that the overall community requires. As an example, there is a deterioration in the infrastructure of its buildings, the road network and tourist sites, given that the structural conditions have a number deficiencies, which causes the deterioration of its useful life. In some cases, these deficiencies are associated with the adverse weather conditions of the city. That is how, aiming to present alternatives that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Girardot, without generating an economic increase in public expense for the contractor or even for those who wish to access them, we propose new housing projects, in order to formulate a self-sustaining, priority-interest alternative, which in its great majority is manufactured with biomaterials originated in the area.


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