Cómo va Colombia en inclusión financiera

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Jaidi Yanid Jara Ochoa


Financial education programs have not been successful in Colombia. The report of the Financial Superintendence presents very low percentages of participation between 2014 and 2015 with 8% for micro-entrepreneurs and 3% for citizens. That is why, from the Office of the Financial Consumer for 2017, the program of “Financial education for all” has been launched in partnership with the education sector. In order to cover different areas of the country reaching the entire community, and providing the opportunity to know, train and enter each citizen through the good use of legal financing channels established in the country, for the use of financial users.


Subirats. (2005). Exclusión social y desigualdad. Recuperado de https://books.google.com.co/ books?id=Hq4zvOB7a9QC&pg=PA33&lpg=PA33 &dq=Subirats,+Gom%C3%A0+y+Brugu%C3%A9, +2005&source=bl&ots=MWI1VY8l5c&sig=OoHO HNz89Ut1iXsKKZb_oJGN8K8&hl=es-419&sa=X &ved=0ahUKEwjOjo6snPnQAhWENiYKHZtbB0Q6AEISTAI#v=onepage&q

Subirats, G. y. (s. f.). De la pobreza la exclusión social. Recuperado de http://creasfile.uahurtado.cl/Subirtas, %20Brugu%C3%A9%20y%20 Gom%C3%A1%202002%20De% 20la%20pobreza%20a %20la%20exclusi% C3%B3n%20social.pdf

Superintendencia Financiera. (2014). Reporte Inclusión. Recuperado de https://www.superfinanciera.gov.co/jsp/loader.jsf?lServicio=Buscador &lTipo=busqueda&lFuncion=BuscadorView

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